What an adventure this year has been so far! I’ve published two novels and am about to publish a third. I’ve traveled all around the country and am gearing up to have my best summer yet. Things are really starting to come together and I couldn’t be happier.

In this post, I’m going to talk about the Bloodfeast Trilogy and a little bit about my life outside of writing. I’m very active and this is my absolute favorite time of year: late spring and early summer. I’ve been up to all kinds of fun stuff and I’m going to see if I can make you a little envious by writing about it! 😉

The Bloodfeast Trilogy

I can’t even begin to explain how satisfying it has been writing and publishing the Bloodfeast Trilogy. Not only has it been incredibly fun, it’s also been a wonderful learning experience.

Before I started writing the first book in the Bloodfeast series, Inside Out, I had published a few novels in another genre under a different pen name. I learned a lot from writing them but didn’t really enjoy the process. With the Bloodfeast books, I did.

The Final QuestI’d always been a sci-fi and fantasy fan and have enjoyed a number of role-playing games over the years. Writing in the LitRPG genre has been both fun and informative.

And I couldn’t be more thankful for all the compliments and constructive criticism I’ve gotten. It’s really helped me to grow as a writer and makes me want to keep doing it.

Now that the third and final Bloodfeast book is done, I’ve started working on a new standalone novel. This one is more sci-fi than fantasy but still incorporates plenty of role-playing elements. I’m hoping to have it done by the end of August.

My goal for 2018 is to write and publish 5 novels – the 3 short Bloodfeast novels and 2 longer standalones. So far, I’m on track to hitting that goal.

The audiobook version of Inside Out, the first Bloodfeast book, has been selling a lot more than I’d expected. I’ve always been a book-in-hand kind of guy, preferring actual books to ebooks or audiobooks, so I had no idea they were so popular.

Because of this, I’ve decided to release audiobook versions of all my LitRPG books. The audiobook for the second Bloodfeast book, Back In The Game, will be available in a couple weeks. I’m using the same narrator for all three of them, just as I’ve used the same cover artist.

So, to everyone who has read the first two Bloodfeast books and to those who will read the third one, thank you! I’m still finding my voice and honing my craft, so I really appreciate everyone who has taken a chance on a new author and picked up my books. You’re awesome!

Summer Fun

This is going to be an amazing summer. Why, you ask? Because I’m gonna make it that way!

This is my favorite time of year – late spring into early summer. The world comes back to life after a bitter winter: the weather’s nice, the flowers are blooming, the birds are singing, people are out and about, and women are eager to show off all the skimpy clothing they bought over the winter. Awesomeness all around.

This spring has already been amazing. I’ve taken a couple road trips, flown to a couple places, been to the beach a bunch of times, and been on a number of other fun and exciting adventures.

A lot of people like to read about adventure. They like to see it on TV and in the movies they watch. They play hours and hours of video games, going on quest after quest.

Now, I’m not judging those people: I am one of them. But I also like to live a life of exploration and adventure. I like to always be out and about, especially in the spring and summertime. With the sun on my face and a gorgeous woman on my arm, I’m always outside enjoying this magical time of year.

I especially love being at the ocean. Long walks on the beach, going out on the rocks, surfing, or just laying in the sand – I love it all! I’ve been to beaches all over the country and they’re all wonderful. But there’s something about the beaches on Cape Cod that are special to me.

If you like the beach and have never been to The Cape, do yourself a favor and come visit in the summertime. You’ll have to fight your way through the crowds of tourists but it’s worth it. The locals hate tourists but I think they’re great. I love meeting new people and Cape Cod attracts thousands of people from all over the world every summer.

Lounging on the beach.

I love the beach!

I grew up just south of Boston, so The Cape was only a thirty-minute drive from home. Plymouth is even closer. Aside from all the historic sites, Plymouth has a beautiful waterfront and some amazing beaches. I actually just came back from spending the past couple days in Plymouth with someone I’m dating. As always, we had a great time!

Now, I’m gearing up for a solo road trip. I’ll be heading to Buffalo to visit with a friend for a couple days before continuing on to St. Louis. I have a lot of family there, over a dozen aunts, uncles, and cousins. It’ll be nice to see everyone and I’m looking forward to celebrating the 4th there.

The 4th of July is and always has been my favorite holiday. I like to do something special every year. Last year, I watched the fireworks over the East River in Manhattan. The year before, I watched them in Boston from the Esplanade. This year, I’ll be in St. Louis watching them over the Arch.

Back To Work

I’m taking a two-week break from writing while I’m away on my trip. But, as soon as I get back, I’ll be getting back to work. I’m about 1/3 done writing my next novel, a standalone sci-fi LitRPG novel. It’ll be a lot different than the Bloodfeast books.

For starters, it’s not fantasy LitRPG – it’s sci-fi. The book takes place in modern times in the real world. And I won’t be using the same colorful language that I used in the Bloodfeast books. However, there will be a lot more sex – like, a lot more.

Me chilling at the beach.

Have an awesome summer!

As much as I need a break after cranking out the three Bloodfeast books over the past 6 months, I’m already eager to get back to writing. I love it. Sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation to sit down and write but, after I do, I’m always happy that I did.

So, in closing, thank you again to everyone who has read the Bloodfeast books. Seriously – thank you! And a special thank you to everyone who left good reviews on Amazon. It really means the world to me!

I hope you have a great summer! If you want to watch me leveling up in real life, going on my wacky adventures, make sure to follow me on Twitter.